5 Reasons Why You Are Worthy Of Wealth
Do You Have A ‘Rich Brain’?
Subject: Why Positive Thinking Alone Doesn't Manifest Wealth?
Subject: The six step secret to millionaire success
Subject: Free eBook: Do you want the mind skills of a millionaire?
By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
This might sound a little strange… but do you truly believe that you DESERVE wealth?
Sometimes the number one thing holding people back from manifesting wealth is that deep in their subconscious minds, they don’t really believe that they are worthy of a financially-free life.
There are many reasons why someone may feel that they aren’t worthy of being wealthy, and we’ll get to these soon.
But what you need to know right now is that believing that you aredeserving of a life of abundance is VITAL to being able to manifest all of the money and success you want.
Because attracting wealth doesn’t comes from living in fear of what you don’t want – being ‘poor’ and struggling – it comes from a place of self-love, acceptance, and belief.
So that’s why today, I want to share with you five reasons why you ARE worthy and deserving of wealth, and show you how you can break free from the false beliefs that are holding you back right now…
First of all, there is no shortage of money in this world. There really isn’t.
Money is abundant, and there is plenty available for all who reach for it, including you.
Does this idea sound a little crazy to you right now?
If so, that’s OK. But it may mean that you are operating from a ‘scarcity mentality’ right now.
A scarcity mindset tells you that there is a lack of money to go around and a lack of opportunities to make money.
And when you believe that money is limited, you can start to compare yourself to others and find reasons why you ‘fall short’ – why you don’t deserve to have as much as others.
You feel anxious and helpless about your finances, and as a result you never move forward.
On the other hand is the empowering mindset of abundance.
When you train your brain to develop an abundant mindset, you will discover that there are ALWAYS new opportunities to make money, and that you deserve to have wealth just as much as everyone else.
You will be free from the fear and doubt that previously kept you stuck in a cycle of struggle, and open to a future of financial freedom.
Do you have a ‘scarcity brain’ or a ‘rich brain’?
Find out in this free personalized quiz (INSERT QUIZ HOPLINK)
One of the things about having a scarcity mindset is believing that you have to be a certain kind of person to be wealthy.
For example, that you need to be top-of-the-class smart, have a career in dentistry or law, be a ‘trust-fund baby’, or a workaholic that never has time for fun.
The truth is, wealth has no ‘prerequisites’ – ANYONE can become wealthy, no matter what their background.
And whether or not you realize it yet, you have your own special strengths and talents that have the potential to bring great wealth into your life!
In fact, you may not believe it right now but I guarantee that there is an opportunity waiting for you to turn one of your passions into a source of income… you just need to recognize it.
It doesn’t matter what has happened in your past, your age, or how ‘bad’ you may have been with money… you can still manifest a future of wealth and abundance!
It happened for me. At the lowest point in my life, I was $80,000 in credit card debt, literally living in my office, and on the brink of a nervous breakdown. I just couldn’t see a way out of it.
But now, I can happily say that I am a multi, multi-millionaire, free of all debt, and every day of my life is more amazing than I ever dreamed it could be.
How did I get from that point to this point? And, how can you transform your own life in the same way?
Well, that is a story too long for this article. But if you’re interested in learning how I went from being thousands in debt to a cash millionaire in just a few years, then you can check out my story here. (INSERT VSL HOPLINK)
Does that family down the road living in that 2-storey mansion and driving late-model BMWs really deserve wealth more than you do?
No way.
You, just as much as anyone, deserve the chance to live your richest, happiest life.
So if money troubles are preventing you from living that life right now - a life where you are free to live the way you want - then it’s time to look at your relationship with money and how it is affecting the energy you are producing.
If you are feeling unhappy, frustrated, or fearful about your finances, unfortunately these emotions will be causing you to manifest only more of what you DON’T want - more doubt, more fear, and more scarcity.
In this situation, trying to manifest wealth is like trying to plant a ‘money tree’ in poisoned soil… it simply won’t grow.
But if you can cultivate a mindset of abundance and self-love, this will be the foundation from which your financial success can flourish.
One of the great things about having money is that you can use it to help others. Giving back to help others in need and spreading the message of abundance is incredibly rewarding.
One way you can do this is by donating money or resources to charity.
I personally support a number of charities - particularly the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society as my Mom died of leukemia and the American Lung Association as my Dad died of emphysema.
Another way to do this is by helping your children to develop an abundant mindset and educating them about managing money, so that they too can enjoy an abundant future.
Personally, through my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and wealth coach, I try to help as many people as I can to free their minds from barriers to wealth and experience the financial freedom they deserve.
You are worthy of wealth. You are deserving of wealth. And now, you just need to start believing it, so that you can start manifesting all of the wealth you deserve!
If you would like to learn more about cultivating an abundant, wealth-attracting mindset, I invite you to check out my Free Mini-Book, The Skill of Money Magnetism. (INSERT DOWNLOAD LINK TO FREE REPORT HERE)
Get Dr. Steve G. Jones’ free mini-book today and learn the six steps to train your brain to think like a millionaire.
DOWNLOAD NOW [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=optin]
By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
Did you know that there are very specific parts of your brain responsible for creating wealth?
And that these parts MUST be activated, in order for you to manifest financial success?
It’s true.
This is the reason why success and wealth seems to come so EASILY to some people, yet is such a struggle for others.
Think of it like this...
Rich people (especially self-made millionaires) have incredible neural strength and connectivity in the areas of their brain that make them wealthy and successful…
They literally have a ‘rich brain’…
They have all the mental programming necessary to draw in vast wealth and success, to the point that their brain will see to it that they end up successful no matter what.
Just look at Steve Jobs…
If he’d had a ‘poor brain’ he would have sunk without a trace…
He grew up with an incredibly challenging life, he flunked out of university, he got fired from multiple jobs…
But because he had a RICH brain with RICH programming, his brain saw to it that he became wealthy and successful no matter what he did.
On the other hand, if you keep trying to change your life, but you just keep getting the same lackluster results…
Know that it’s not your fault at all…
It’s simply your brain following its survival instinct to keep you ALIVE - in a way that no longer serves you.
Let me explain…
Your brain is the machine that drives your life.
Every time you do anything, it comes directly from a THOUGHT that your brain had… and without the thought driving the action, there IS no action, right?
So that means…
If you don’t have the thoughts of a rich person, then you’ll never have the life, the money, or the results of a rich person…
Because no wealth is possible without the right kind of THOUGHTS driving it - and the right kind of thoughts aren’t possible without the right kind of brain driving them.
In fact, 80% of the population have a brain which is NOT optimized for wealth and success, and there is a scientifically-backed reason for this.
Your brain is ultimately a survival machine, and its number one priority is to keep you alive and breathing, no matter what…
Which means that, to your brain, anything ‘new’ is perceived as a THREAT…
Even if they’re good, your brain sees all new things as DANGER…
Now, it’s not that your brain wants you to FAIL, it’s just that it evolved to deal with a very different world…
A world where threats were EVERYWHERE, and every time you left the house (or the cave), you might never come back…
So as a result, your subconscious mind strives to keep you safe and secure (and struggling), because what it KNOWS is ‘safe’…
You might be broke, but at least you’re ALIVE (and to your brain, that is success)…
So it keeps you STUCK in the same old life, facing the same problems, worrying the same worries… and never really seeing results.
Does that make sense?
Obviously, our world has evolved well beyond the caveman days, but parts of your brain haven’t, which means…
Your brain is still stuck in the ‘survival wiring’ that keeps you seeing opportunities as risks, and BLINDED from all of the skills, talents, and mental abilities necessary for making money…
Skills like:
If you can’t seem to achieve the financial success you want, it’s because all of the skills necessary to make money have been turned ‘off’ from inside your brain… all because of this simple ‘glitch’ in your brain’s survival programming.
Can you see how a brain that’s operating in this ‘survival state’ of scarcity, is a brain that will NEVER be able to bridge the gap and become truly rich?
Without even realizing it, successful people are able to mentally bypass these self-doubts and survival programming.
They have no mental barriers in place which prevent them from genuinely believing that they have the ability to create wealth.
And as a result, they are subconsciously guided toward wealth-creating opportunities, situations and people.
That’s the power of the ‘Rich Brain’.
Yet, here is the great news for you:
Most people, scientists included, used to think that after a certain age, your brain ‘sets’ like concrete… and that all your mental programming and neural pathways are set in stone.
But now, over 40 years of neuroscience research has now proven that you CAN change your brain, at ANY age… including the parts of your brain related to wealth and success.
Which means, even if you’ve had a ‘poor person’s brain’ all your life…
You can choose to reshape it into a RICH brain…
A brain that’s better, faster, stronger, more powerful than ever before…
A brain that flushes out all of negative thought programs that were keeping you stuck, and develops powerful mental connections and neural strength in the areas related to money, success, and wealth…
A brain that sees to it that you just get rich and more successful in life, no matter what happens.
Simply take the free personalized quiz below to discover what kind of brain YOU have…
And what you can do to effortlessly reshape it into a wealth-attracting ‘rich brain’ that will finally get you the results you want!
Find out in this 60-second quiz!
I’ve created a quick quiz which will determine whether you have the mind of a millionaire. You can go to the quiz here. [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=quiz]
*Note: You will be given a personalized report after completing this 60 second quiz, what will this say about you? Find out by taking the quiz here. [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=quiz]
By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
Can hypnosis really change the way you think?
And can it be used to help you manifest more money?
As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, I see clients all the time who want to manifest greater wealth and success in their life.
I see people who have hit rock bottom and are in the dire straits of debt, to well-known Hollywood actors, producers, or sports stars who have hit a wall in their career (sorry, I’m not allowed to name names!)
But no matter what the difference in their situations, all of my clients come to me for the same reason: something is blocking them from getting to the next level of wealth and success.
And that ‘something’ is their thoughts and beliefs.
Even though you may not realize it, you have powerful inner beliefs about your ability to become rich and successful, which are affecting your ability to manifest wealth right now.
I like to think about it like this.
Your beliefs are like ‘roots’ in your subconscious mind, which have been shaped by what you’ve experienced in life since you were just a small child.
From these beliefs, you have formed an idea of your place in the world, and of what you are “worth”, financially and otherwise.
So this means that if deep down on a subconscious level, you feel that you are only “worth” a salary of $50,000 a year, then unfortunately this is going to make it pretty darn hard to manifest millions right now.
It’s not that you don’t WANT more in your life…
But perhaps you have grown up in a household where money was always tight, or you’ve been taught to believe that wealth only comes to certain types of people… and this is pulling the handbrake on your ability to manifest a more abundant life.
The good news is, you can turn all of this around by using self-hypnosis.
Hypnosis is what has allowed me to go from being flat-out broke and sleeping in my office chair, to being a millionaire several times over.
Imagine hypnosis as a tool that allows you to dig out the money-repelling beliefs in your brain, and replace them with empowering thoughts of wealth, confidence, and success.
Through self-hypnosis, you can direct your subconscious to alter your deeply ingrained perceptions about yourself and your wealth potential, and unleash the tremendous potential you have within you to manifest money.
That’s the power of hypnosis.
When you listen to a self-hypnosis audio, you are guided to visualize yourself living the rich, abundant, joyful life you desire, so much so that you can actually FEEL like you are living it in that moment.
And as your subconscious mind drinks in these positive suggestions, with time your old, limiting beliefs and fears get washed away.
Soon, new, empowering beliefs will take root in your brain, allowing you to successfully manifest what you never could before!
But will self-hypnosis really work for me?
It’s been scientifically proven that over 90% of the population can be hypnotized to at least the ‘Alpha’ state of hypnosis, and experience amazing life changes as a result.
‘Alpha’ is a light hypnotic state where you become less aware of your surroundings and more aware of your thoughts.
Your conscious mind drifts off and allows your highly suggestible subconscious mind to take over, which is when the magic happens.
Your subconscious mind is where your fears, emotions, and beliefs arise from.
In this Alpha trance state, it becomes 200 times more suggestible… which means that your ability to reshape your beliefs for attracting wealth and success becomes 200 times more powerful…
And this is only the lightest state of hypnosis!
Know that hypnosis can never made you do anything you don’t want to do. It’s your mind, and you are still in control.
And all it takes is only minutes a day to radically change your financial destiny!
If you are interested in finding out more about how you can use hypnosis to shape YOUR brain into the brain of a MILLIONAIRE, I explain it a lot more in my free video presentation which you can watch here now. [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
Would a millionaire’s brain look different to yours in an MRI machine?
Probably not.
But there is something unique about the way millionaires think that makes them more successful than others.
So if you want to manifest more money, more success, and more happiness in your life, then adopting these seven millionaire mind hacks is a great place to start.
Here’s number one…
#1: “My mind is like an iPhone that needs lifetime upgrades”
Just like your iPhone, all self-made millionaires understand that your mind needs regular ‘software upgrades’ in order to fuel your success.
In fact, most millionaires I know are almost addicted to learning and upgrading their skills.
Why? Because the world is a constantly changing place – and the faster you can adapt to new, innovative ways of doing things, or reach out and grab new opportunities, the more money there will be for you at the finish line.
#2: “My time is money”
Millionaires realize that their time is extremely valuable, and they pride themselves on their swift decision-making.
Warren Buffet is a great example of this. He lives by the mantra of ‘get the facts, make a decision, and don’t look back’.
Believe me, I know how daunting life-changing decisions can be, especially when it comes to your career or financial future. But the more time you spend hemming and hawing, the more productive, money-making time you are losing out on.
So in future, try asking yourself these questions; ‘Is this likely to move me closer to my goals? Does it have minimal negative consequences?’
If the answer to both is yes, then go for it and don’t look back.
#3: “No excuses”
Wealthy people pride themselves on having a “no excuses” attitude, where they own 100% of their successes and 100% of their failures.
Think about how much responsibility big company executives have on their shoulders. At the end of the day, they are the ones who have to answer for all of the company’s failures and mistakes.
But the reason they are in that top spot is because they have shown that they can handle this responsibility and own it.
The thing is, if you blame other people or influences for your mistakes, you lose any power over your situation. But when you own your failures, this enables you to take charge, grow, and move forward towards a brighter future.
#4: “I am an unstoppable force of success”
Another thing that sets millionaires apart is their natural ability to bounce back better than before, no matter what life throws at them.
To attract abundance into your life, you need to have a strong desire for financial freedom AND to believe that you are capable of achieving it.
No matter how successful you become, there are always going to be roadblocks in your life. But instead of letting these bumps in the road slow you down, you can view them as opportunities to learn from and to fuel your momentum.
Yes, sometimes this means you do need to look hard to see the silver lining, and you do need to look beyond the short term.
But from my personal experience, as cliché as it sounds, whenever you make it through a difficult situation you always come out stronger on the other side.
#5: “My best ideas come when I allow my mind to breathe”
Every great product and business out there is the baby of someone’s creative idea. There is a lot of money to be made by ‘thinking outside the box’.
And this is why most millionaires actively fuel their creative brain, by taking short ‘mind breaks’ during the day.
Unlike your usual lunch or coffee breaks, mind breaks are short blocks of time (10-20 minutes) where you literally just let yourself ‘space out’ and relax with no distractions.
By doing this, you give your mind a much-needed holiday from the stress and worries of everyday life, and allow your inner creativity to surface.
Seriously, you will be amazed at how your brain just suddenly comes up with the wonderful solutions and creative breakthroughs you need.
This is when your truly magic wealth opportunities are born!
#6: “I take action”
Millionaires always have their foot flat on the accelerator. They are constantly setting new goals, and working like crazy to achieve them.
So if you want a wealthy, abundant future, you need to start taking steps towards that future today - rather than leaving it until tomorrow, next week, or next year.
#7: “Discomfort is a natural part of moving forward”
Wealthy people understand that moving beyond your comfort zone is essential for new growth, and they have learned to embrace any discomfort that comes with it.
So this means to move forward on your journey to greatness, you need to be willing to take the bad with the good when it comes to trying new things.
It also means embracing risk and accepting that you might not succeed every time (which is totally normal, by the way).
Heck, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried out a new business idea only to have it flop completely!
But I can also testify that often the biggest risks turn out to have the biggest pay-offs.
I’ve created a quick quiz which will determine whether you have the mindset of a millionaire. You can go to the quiz here. [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=quiz]
*Note: You will be given a personalized report after completing this 60 second quiz, what will this say about you? Find out by taking the quiz here. [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=quiz]
By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
Did you know that most people earn the average of their five best friends’ salaries?
It’s a little scary, right?
Why? Because knowingly or not, we become like the people we surround ourselves with.
Which means, when you’re spending a lot of time with someone, your habits and behaviors are going to brush off on each other.
If your friends aren’t wealthy, you’re probably not either.
That’s nothing against your friends, it’s just a simple fact.
The thing is, I think a lot of people don’t realize that money-making is as much in the mind as, say, playing a sport or an instrument to a top level.
See, if we want to get good at almost anything in life, we need to get coaching and guidance from people who are ‘experts’ in that area - and these people play a vital role in how successful we become in that field.
For instance, more often than not top basketball coaches were (or are) great players themselves.
So why is it then, that so many people take financial advice from friends or family members who are not even well-off themselves?
Believe me, I get it.
We’re been raised to trust our parents and to believe that they know what’s best for us.
And when it comes to becoming wealthy and successful, if your parents are well-off business moguls, then by all means you should listen to whatever advice they have.
But on the other hand, if your parents, your Uncle Arthur, or your friend Sally are still struggling to pay off their own mortgage, then are they really the best people to be listening to?
I mean, you wouldn’t expect to learn how to surf from someone who can barely even stay on a body board, right?
In my profession, I see people following the wrong financial advice all the time.
Clients have said to me, “Well, I was going to do that, but then so-and-so said that it won’t work”.
And I said back to them, “Well, how much money does so-and-so make a year?”, and as it turns out, so-and-so’s not making much at all.
So please, don’t get me wrong… your friends are certainly an important part of your life.
But in order to become wealthy and successful, you need to start following the advice of people who are living the kinds of abundant, financially-free lives you want!
Personally, I wasn’t raised to have much.
In fact, my mom died when I was just 3 years old and my dad turned to the bottle not long after, and we struggled a lot during my early years.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d one day be rich.
Financial troubles followed me into my 20’s and 30’s. My credit card debt was building up and up and I was always living in the red.
It was only when I took control of my own financial mindset and started tuning out all of the negative influences and getting inspiration from successful people, that things really took off for me in a BIG way.
People like Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and even Dr. Oz. are my own personal role-models, and have guided me a lot in my quest for success.
At the end of the day, it comes down to this simple fact:
In order to get rich and successful, you need to get advice from rich people!
If you want to learn the true secrets to attracting wealth in your life, I invite you to check out my free mini-book, The Skill of Money Magnetism. Learn the six steps to train your brain to think like a millionaire!
[Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=optin]
By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
Did you know that one of the biggest reasons why most people don’t get the wealth and the life they want is that they don’t actually KNOW what they want?
It’s true.
Although you may think you want to be wealthy and successful, the truth is that majority of people actually spend more time thinking about what they DON’T want rather than what they DO want.
For example, have you ever had any of these thoughts?
Yes, most of us have had these kind of thoughts before…
And the problem is that focusing on what you don’t want actually prevents you from attracting wealth in your life.
Instead of manifesting that promotion, that business opportunity, or that unexpected windfall, you end up manifesting more debt, bills, and hardships!
So, how are self-made millionaires different?
The difference is that even before they became rich, they DREAMED of being wealthy and successful.
They literally had a “rich brain”.
Rather than dwelling on what they were lacking in their lives, they focused on the steps they were going to take each day that would lead them to the successful future they desired.
So, today I want to help YOU to develop the mindset of a millionaire, by teaching you these three simple steps to programming your mind for wealth.
These steps have helped me to get to where I am today, and I hope they help you to get on the path of achieving great success!
Step One: Set a target
Then first step is to set a specific goal for your financial future.
Think about what you really want, and try asking yourself the following questions…
It may be that you want to earn an income of over $100k per year, it may be to own a house mortgage-free, it may be to start up a successful business, or it may be to simply make an extra couple of hundred bucks a week so that you can start living the lifestyle you want.
Any target you want to achieve is great – the important thing is that it is what YOU want for your future, not what anyone ELSE wants.
P.S. Don’t worry about HOW you are going to achieve this goal right now (that’s the job of your subconscious!) – simply come up with a target that makes you feel really, really excited.
Step Two: Determine your REASONS for setting that target
It’s important to know the reasons WHY you want to be wealthy, because these reasons can determine whether or not you will achieve your goal.
Is it because you hate the job you’re in now, or because you’re terrified of the thought of struggling with debt and bills forever?
Or, is it because you have a dream to turn your passion into your day job, or you dream of becoming financially free so that you can live your dream lifestyle?
Wanting something out of passion and determination is a million times more powerful than wanting something out of fear, so it’s important that your reasons are positive and motivating.
For me, the reason I wanted to be wealthy was for financial freedom.
I’ve never had really expensive taste, and my luxury assets stretch as far as a nice condo and a Mercedes AMG… which of course are both very nice to have.
But what I love most about being wealthy is the freedom.
I love being able to spend majority of my time helping people, and travelling the world. And I love knowing that I would never have to work again even if I never made another penny in my life.
So, what is it about wealth that YOU want? What are the good things that would come from having an abundance of money? What would financial freedom enable you to do?
Here are some ideas:
Give yourself some time to think and then write down 2-3 reasons why you want to be wealthy.
Step Three: Align your brain with your target
The last step is to align your brain with your target.
The clearer and more specific you are about what you want to achieve, the harder your brain is going to work to make it happen.
So right now, I want you to try to actually visualize yourself achieving the goals you have set yourself, and picture how you will be FEELING in that moment.
For example…
Whatever your dream is, the more you practice visualizing in your mind, the more likely it is to become your reality.
Your subconscious mind sets out to attract into your life the things you think about MOST. So, make sure that the things you think about are things that you want.
Keep going over these three steps, and as these thoughts, images and feelings of wealth are absorbed through repetition by your subconscious, you'll soon find your life beginning to change in amazing ways you’d never dreamed possible.
If you want to learn how to take this further and effortlessly shape YOUR brain into the brain of a MILLIONAIRE, check out the quick personalized quiz below:
I’ve created a quick quiz which will determine whether you have the mindset of a millionaire. Go to the quiz here. [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=quiz]
*Note: You will be given a personalized report after completing this 60 second quiz, what will this say about you? Find out by taking the quiz here. [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=quiz]
By Dr. Steve G. Jones, creator of Total Money Magnetism [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]
Does it sometimes feel like other people in your life just have it easy?
You see them getting great jobs and promotions, earning big money, or not having to work hard for what they get… while you are constantly STRUGGLING?
Do you sometimes think to yourself…
‘Why can’t I have what THEY have? Is there something I should have done differently?’
Well, let me tell you right now it’s not that they’re ‘better than you’.
It’s not that they’re smarter than you, luckier than you, or they deserve it more.
As a hypnotherapist and self-made millionaire, I see clients every day who are struggling with one (or more) of 4 things… which make it almost impossible to get the wealth and the life you want.
Here’s #1…
#1: Fear of failure
‘But what if I FAIL?’ ‘What if I’m not GOOD enough?’ ‘What will I LOSE?’
‘What will people think of me?’
We are creatures of habit, and our subconscious minds are great at keeping us in the same routines or behavior patterns.
Because there is a certain safety about doing the same things we’ve done before.
Basically, it’s a survival mechanism, which causes us to feel nervous, uncomfortable, or fearful when we even think about doing something different.
And this goes double when it comes to big things like making a career change, starting a business, or moving somewhere new.
We fear what will happen if we FAIL, and our minds are great at coming up with all sorts of inventive negative scenarios.
But the important thing to remember is: If you continue to do exactly the same things, you will continue to get exactly the same results.
Creating wealth doesn’t have to be ‘hard’. But it does involve stepping out of your comfort zone.
#2: Fear of success
‘But what will happen if I get rich?’ ‘What will happen if I get that promotion?’ ‘What will happen if I buy that bigger house?’
‘Will people treat me differently?’
‘Will I become someone ELSE?’
Yes, fear of success is also a very real thing.
Again, this comes down to our natural resistance to change.
For instance, although you may WANT to land that dream job, there is a tiny part of your mind that is stressing out about what will come with that new job…
…a new office, new responsibilities, new people to report to and higher expectations.
And, underneath it all, you may not feel that you are truly deserving of achieving this kind of success and becoming wealthy, especially if others in your life are struggling.
When in actual fact, you are just as worthy and deserving as anyone else!
#3: You’re suffering from the toxic cash-repelling ‘Scarcity Virus’…
‘I’m just not that lucky’ ‘I don’t have what it takes’ ‘There isn’t enough money to go around’
If you’re frustrated with where things are at in your life and feeling helpless about your finances right now, chances are you are suffering from the toxic, cash-repelling ‘Scarcity Virus’.
Basically, you have some serious inner hang-ups about money and what it means to be rich… and whether you actually have what it takes to BE rich.
In fact, majority of the population suffer from this same problem.
You might think you’d love to be wealthy, land that dream job, or live that luxurious lifestyle, but inside your mind is telling you something different.
Because on some level, you’ve learned that “money is BAD”. Or, that you’re not “good enough” to ever be rich.
Maybe you or your family have struggled with money in the past, and therefore you’ve come to associate wealth with feelings like fear, jealously, or resentment.
And even as an adult, these feelings have remained rooted within you and can be extremely hard to shake.
#4: You’ve been following the wrong footsteps all along
‘But my father told me that getting rich is about hard work and saving’ ‘The more hours I work, the closer I’ll get to success’
The fourth crucial thing I see holding people back from wealth is that they have been listening to advice from the wrong people their whole lives.
Instead of looking for successful mentors who can teach them the real steps to success, they follow the guidance of people who may actually be struggling themselves.
For instance, parents, siblings, or friends who provide well-meaning yet unhelpful comments such as, “You just have to work HARDER”.
As I can personally testify to, building your income really isn’t about working double the number of hours and putting in double the effort.
It’s about tuning your mind into what really WORKS.
Are You Ready To Shape Your Brain Into The Brain Of A MILLIONAIRE?
Sometimes the cash-repelling mindsets and behaviors above are so ingrained that it can be difficult to overcome them. They can sabotage you without even realizing it.
However, I’ve created a method that will allow you to effortlessly overcome these mental blocks and start manifesting wealth like a self-made millionaire (in just a few minutes per day!)
Simply follow this link to find out more:
Discover The Six-Step Secret To Developing A Millionaire Brain [Link this to https://www.totalmoneymagnetism.com/?aff=YOURIDHERE&tid=track&p=home]